In some cases, improvement in erectile function can be achieved simply by making slight adjustments to your lifestyle. But many do not know what is good for male potency, therefore, at the first symptoms of loss of strength, they start taking stimulating pills.

To save money and effectively improve potency, you must follow several rules, which will be discussed in the article.
Products for potency
Nutrition is a fundamental point in the prevention and treatment of potency problems. The reason lies in the metabolism and production of gonadotropic hormone, testosterone and hormones of its fraction.
The listed substances are responsible for the normal development of the male genital organs during puberty. In addition, the level of male sex hormones determines the severity of erection, sexual desire, duration of sexual intercourse and the strength of orgasm.
Therefore, food products involved in the synthesis of sex hormones - androgens - are useful for increasing male potency.
Plant food
Products beneficial for male potency include:
- Nuts. The advantage lies in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the grains. Omega-3 and omega-6 are precursors of testosterone and manage to increase its concentration when they enter the body. All products are useful, but the most effective are: cedar, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews. Nutritionists recommend taking 20-30 walnut kernels per day to fully meet the male body's needs for fatty acids.
- Vegetables. Introducing as many vegetables as possible into your diet is very beneficial for potency. Testosterone levels are affected by selenium, zinc, calcium and magnesium. Vitamins A, E, C and group B are also important. The main vegetables in terms of benefits are: turnips, pumpkin, carrots and broccoli. In a special place are onions and garlic, which not only stimulate sexual function, but also support the immune system. Vegetables are useful raw, as they lose their properties when cooked.
- Vegetable oils. Olive oil has the greatest benefit. The introduction of this product into the diet primarily increases sexual desire in the male body. It's not for nothing that Italians are the most passionate nation in the world. Their diet contains a lot of olives, tomatoes and cheese. In addition to olive oil, pumpkin oil has a beneficial effect. With cooked pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, it protects the body from premature fading. Flaxseed oil will be useful not only for the stronger sex, but also for women. Traditional medicine recommends taking a tablespoon of flaxseed oil an hour before your first morning meal. The dose covers the daily requirement for vitamins, fatty acids and microelements.
- Greenery.Parsley, celery, green onions and parsnips contain plant prototypes of androgens. Once in the body, these substances begin to perform the function of testosterone.
- Fruits.First of all, the benefits of male potential come from bananas. The fruit contains selenium and zinc. Eating berries rich in vitamin C is good for potency. These include black and red currants, blueberries, currants and citrus fruits.
- Spices.Ginger root and ginseng root have unique composition and properties. These two products constitute the basis of oriental medicine. A multicomponent composition, including zinc, magnesium and selenium, vitamins A, E, C, group B stimulate blood supply to the perineal tissues.

Green tea, decoctions of thyme and willow herb can increase erection.
Protein nutrition
Well-known foods that stimulate sexual potency are fish and seafood. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, zinc, phosphorus and selenium.
Mussels and flounder bring the greatest benefit to men. It is recommended to consume products raw or steamed as much as possible in order to retain maximum benefits for men's health.
Representatives of the stronger half of humanity must eat meat. Beef, lean parts of pork, rabbit and chicken are beneficial.
A very useful product is meat baked in its own juice. Spices are a good addition: red and black pepper, basil, cardamom, curry, parsley, garlic.
Fermented milk products are one of the sources of animal protein and health. More benefits of whole cottage cheese and sour cream.
To maintain men's health in good condition, you need to completely replace mayonnaise with sour cream, since eating mayonnaise is harmful to potency due to the high content of dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers.
Eggs should be included in the diet of anyone concerned about erection health. It is believed that quail eggs are more beneficial, but this hypothesis has not been proven.
Honey is a universal product that also increases male sexual potency. Thanks to the rich vitamin composition, the whole body is strengthened.
It is important to know: all bee products stimulate male power to some extent. But honey is the most accessible, inexpensive and effective remedy for the body.

The product can completely replace sugar if there are no contraindications, since it is a strong allergen.
Sexual Habits and How They Affect Potency
Sex plays an important role in the life of the stronger sex. With a regular intimate life, it is not difficult to trace any changes in sexual health.
We must not forget that everyone's sexual activity is different. It is normal for some to have sex once a month, for others several times a day.
Individual characteristics depend on temperament, age, libido and blood testosterone levels. The disorder is diagnosed when erection or libido is reduced compared to normal.
Many people wonder whether frequent sex is harmful to potency and how masturbation affects sexual health.
Does frequent sex make a difference?
We can say with certainty that prolonged abstinence and an inactive sex life are even more harmful. This happens because the prostate constantly produces the liquid part of semen in the body.
A certain number of sperm mature in the testicles every 60 to 70 days.
With prolonged abstinence, prostate congestion increases and prostatitis gradually develops. Inflammation of the prostate causes acute pain during ejaculation, chronic pelvic pain, associated with decreased libido and weak erections.
Long-term abstinence leads to weakening of the penis muscles, sclerosis of delicate organs and poor filling. Men with an infrequent sex life are psychologically doomed to failure. As a result, the erection is not strong enough or ejaculation is too rapid.
In turn, frequent sexual activity brings more benefits to the male body, but there are nuances.

- Too frequent sex with different women or with just one leads to blunting of orgasm and pleasant sensations. This usually happens to the stronger sex during andropause – male menopause.
- With an active sex life with different partners, the risk of contracting genital infections increases. Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis significantly affect the health of the reproductive system and the body as a whole.
The optimal number of sexual acts for a married couple should be on average at least three times a week.
If you feel like it and your health permits, you can have sex every day.
The influence of self-satisfaction on potency
Scientists have long moved away from medieval beliefs that masturbation led to dementia or caused paralysis of the entire body. Currently, it is generally accepted that in the absence of sexual activity in a healthy man, masturbation brings only benefits to the body.
With self-satisfaction, seminal fluid and sperm are renewed, there are no stagnant processes in the prostate. It is recommended not to masturbate more than three times a week: this diet contributes to potency and maintaining health.
But it is not recommended to stay in this state for a long time, since release and relaxation after masturbation are short-lived, and psychogenic erectile dysfunction can also develop. The longer the interval between sexual contacts, the greater the self-doubt.
Another opinion on married people who get satisfied by watching pornography. Psychologists believe that excessive masturbation leads to a weakening of attraction to the partner, which leads to conflicts and psychological problems within the family, as well as health problems.
Lifestyle plays an important role in preventing sexual problems.

You need to include several points in your daily routine so that you never encounter any genital disease.
- Contrast shower in the morning.Changes in water temperature increase blood circulation throughout the body and particularly in the pelvic organs. Blood circulation contributes to a more stable erection, increased vigor and energy.
- Sporting activities.Swimming and yoga are beneficial. A special complex for training the pelvic muscles - Kegel exercises - stimulates erection. They can be carried out during working hours, on the way home, during rest. Additionally, morning exercises should consist of pelvic rotations, squats, running in place, and bends to increase blood flow to the genitals.
- Adequate nutrition.It is important to build a diet based on animal protein products and plant foods. Completely exclude fried and fatty foods. This is important because fatty and unhealthy foods provide cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. The plaques block the lumen of the vessel and blood does not pass sufficiently through the tissues, hypoxia develops in the body, which affects health. Atherosclerosis of the pelvic vessels threatens to reduce blood supply to the penis and reduce sexual erection.
- Aphrodisiacs.The consumption of products stimulating sexual activity must be dosed. You can eat honey and nuts every day, but in small portions, 1-2 tablespoons, in which case it improves potency. Fish, seafood and meats should be alternated throughout the week.
- Weight normalization.Excess fatty tissue in the male body becomes a source of estrogen - female sex hormones. Against the background of their increase, libido disappears and the erection worsens.
- Drinking regime.An average-sized man weighing 70 kg should drink up to two liters of water per day.
- Take a bath.There are benefits of taking a bath with bay leaves. In men, after this procedure, blood flows to the genitals and the whole body is strengthened.
- Reduce medication use.Many pharmacological drugs have a detrimental effect on sexual health. These include antihypertensives, psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. If possible, their consumption should be reduced. Before doing this, you need to weigh the pros and cons of medications.
Maintaining good sexual health is easy. Everything that is useful for the male body is beneficial and improves potency.
Minor sexual health disorders can be corrected through a healthy diet, sports and a proper daily routine.
If unusual symptoms are observed, it is better not to do anything on your own, but to consult a urologist for advice.
Serious diseases of erection and sexual health require qualified treatment. The benefits for the body, potency and erection are health.